Buying and selling a car safely

New V5C introduced by DVLA
See our note on the new V5C. More
Avoiding the buyer scams
There's a growing problem with fraudsters who have spotted an easy scam with "buying" cars or motorcycles advertised for sale, particularly online. See a typical scam & Met Police/VSTAG
Test driving caution
Never let a buyer have the ignition keys unless you are in the car - they might drive off and not come back! Check a buyer's motor insurance cover thoroughly before allowing them to drive your car.
Choosing a safe payment option
Ensuring safe payment is essential for both the buyer and the seller. Sadly there are fraudulent bank notes, banker’s drafts and of course credit and debit cards around, so prudent checks and procedures are simply both necessary and wise. See our payment options guide. More
Issuing a receipt
Most buyers will want a receipt, so have one ready in duplicate for signing. Sample receipt. More
Handing over the car documents
On receipt of the full payment, hand over the V5C registration certificate, the MOT certificate and any other documents that were agreed as part of the deal – for example the history file for the car.
Notifying the DVLA of a sale
Following the sale and purchase of the car, the seller as the Registered Keeper must complete Section 6 (the New Keeper Details) of the V5C vehicle registration certificate with the buyer's details as the New Keeper and complete Section 10 (the New Keeper Supplement), then remove Section 10 and give it to the buyer. Then both the seller and buyer must sign and date the declaration at Section 8. The first page of the VRC (Sections 1 to 7) must be sent immediately to the DVLA. This is particularly important because if the seller does not notify the DVLA that they have sold the car, they will continue to be responsible for licensing the car and ensuring it has a current MOT certificate and motor insurance cover. You will find most sellers will insist, not unreasonably, that they will attend to this so it is wise to have with you a C5 envelope and a stamp for that purpose. More
New DVLA VED system on selling a car. More
SORN concern for new buyers
See our note on how to SORN a car. More
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