or private sale? All adverts should clarify whether the car is
offered for sale by a trader or offered as a private sale. For adverts placed
on the V8 website:
By "trade
sale" we mean a car offered for sale by either an individual as a sole
trader or an individual acting on behalf of a commercial business, or by a commercial
business. | By
"private sale" we mean a car offered for sale by the present owner
who has owned the car as an enthusiast. | We
feel this distinction is desirable, not least for any Sale of Goods Act implications
in the UK. | Private
sale may be a trader Some small-scale dealers like to pose as private
sellers so when you first call them to follow up an advertisement it is worth
just asking about the car. Then, if they are selling more than one
car as many dealers often do, they may be forced to respond by asking which
one? - which will give them away! | | |