Notes for MGC enthusiasts A useful series
of workshop notes is available for MGC enthusiasts as part of the technical support
and services provided by the MG Car Club. What
technical notes are available? Waxoyling
an MGC This detailed article on pumping the
magic fluid into the inner parts of the MGB body by Roger Cooper was first published
in two parts in Safety Fast! in December 1982 and January 1983. More
MGC seat refurbishment A useful article from Richard Searle published
in the March 2009 issue of Safety Fast! More
Which brake fluid? A comprehensive article from Bob Owen on mineral
and silicone brake fluids. More
What does corrosion in an MGB look like? Dave Parker of Mechspec
MG Centre gives us the low down in a video on what to look for when buying one
of these affordable classics. It's an eye-opener for many! More
contributions welcome Please send them to Ginny Cartmell. More
| Upgrading
to 12V batteries on an MGC 
12V BOSCH 4FNs wired in parallel provide improved starting performance
and have a near original look. A series of
useful workshop notes has been contributed by fellow members which set out several
ways of improving the power and reliability of the batteries fitted to an MGB.
The suggested modifications are not difficult for most enthusiasts to undertake
and the cost is less than replacing tired twin 6V batteries. So in many ways the
case for an upgrade is clear - but what are the various upgrade choices? Here
are the various workshop notes which have developed members' approaches to an
upgrade using one or even two 12v batteries. More
and auto mechanics The automotive section of the website of the Asbestos
and Mesothelioma Center aims to spread an awareness of the dangers of asbestos
dust. More
references. More |